13. April 2021

Winkelbauer Around The Globe with pb King

After London we jet to Poland, where tempting cookies from the house of Bergen await us and where tradition and modernity come together. What is the result? – a crunchy but tenderly melting combination of peanut butter and caramel crunch cookies. Unfortunately, we were unable to elicit in the interview which innovations are planned, but there are other exciting insights.


1. If you have to describe your brands with just one word, what would it be and why?

PLEASURE –  our products  are giving a pleasure moment to the people. They are eatting it and forget about the world around. In this specific time we are now – it is a pleasure.


2. What changes has the Covid19 pandemic brought for your market?

We noticed how much people need something to forget about the pandemic and problems they are facing everyday. At the beginning everybody was buying toilet paper and rice, but soon they came to the point that life is not only about survival but about enjoying every moment… and what is better in life than eating, especially sweets.



3. Which trend in the food sector do you see strongly emerging?

We are observing our sector, and we see that this sector is getting  stronger and stronger. Keep fingers crossed that is going to stay like that.


4. Can customers be excited about new products? Can you already give some short insights?

We are working on that…it is worth waiting, trust us.


5. How long have you been working with Winkelbauer together and what do you appreciate about working with Winkelbauer?

We got to know Winkelbauer at the fair in Germany and in February 2020 we visited Vienna and met the whole Team. We love to work with Winkelbauer as they are always optimistic, and problems for them do not exist. Start of our cooperation was one of the few good things which happened to us in this terrible 2020.

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26. May 2020

Extra Portion Erdnussbutter im Regal – pb King Cookies

Erdnussbutter Junkies kommen jetzt auf ihre Kosten! Die verführerische Keksmarke bp King aus dem Hause Bergen vereint Vollmilchschokoloade und Caramel Crunch mit himmlischer Erdnussbutter. Eine knusprige aber dennoch zart schmelzende Kombination, die in keinem Haushalt fehlen darf. Jetzt im Spar, Billa Plus und MPreis in den Geschmacksrichtungen Ring Stuffed with Peanut Butter und Caramel Crunch […]

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